Drop.com.au Aftermarket Auctions Are Live!

There are some great domains with low reserves in auction ending soon at company-owned Drop.com.au, Australia’s most advanced drop service!

Domains such as:

    •   Example.com.au
    •   Detox.com.au
    •   Jackets.com.au

Plus many other premium and generic .AU domains. Click here to visit the Secondary Market Auction Lobby.

Secondary aftermarket auctions are new for Drop. They are most well-known by domain investors for their AU drop catching services and “no catch, no pay” service guarantee. Clients can feel at ease when using the drop catching service knowing that you only pay when the domain you want is caught. Click here to visit the Expired Domain Auction Lobby.

Drop also serves as a registrar for domains with .AU extensions, including:
    –   .com.au
    –   .net.au
    –   .org.au

Even though Drop and Above.com share the same parent-company (Trellian), you will have to register a new account to use Drop’s aftermarket sales or drop catching platform. You can still check out the incredible expired/aftermarket domains available in the auction lobby without an account.

An initial deposit of $29.95 is required to prevent fraud, but 100% of that deposit is applied as a credit once you make a purchase. As a result, joining is essentially free.

Questions? Email support@drop.com.au. They will be able to help and answer any questions about drop catching, aftermarket sales, or Drop’s registrar.
