Above.com’s platform has continuously evolved over the years as we have stayed ahead of developing services for domain investors. Simply put, our mission has always been to save domain investors time and maximize their revenues.
When it comes to optimizing domain portfolio revenue for clients, nobody is more familiar than our Senior Account Manager, Liz Corona.
Since beginning at Above, Liz has seen our platform evolve with stronger products and innovative tools to support the needs of domain investors and increase the value of their domains by enhancing revenues.
“We advocate for the domain owner in terms of monetization. Our platform is completely unbiased when serving our client’s domain traffic to their enabled monetization services. Our number one goal is to enhance earnings for domainers by maximizing their revenue opportunities.”
Based on her observations and conversations with clients, domain traffic monetization is moving heavily toward direct advertising.
“Domain investors wanting to monetize traffic are always looking for opportunities to increase revenue performance. Direct advertising payouts are higher so the trend has been year-over-year growth for domain owners sending traffic to channels like Above’s Maximizer.”
Do you have questions about how Above’s platform can work for your portfolio? Contact our team of domain portfolio management experts today!