DOMAINfest releases agenda and names PITCHfest and LAUNCHfest judges

Domainfest logo.pngA complete agenda has been released including the selection of Frank Schilling, Ron Sheridan and Adam Riox as contest judges.The PITCHfest contest will uncover new, innovative products or services designed to enhance the value of parked or developed domain names by driving increased traffic and revenue.  The prize — the DOMAINfest Global 2010 PITCHfest Service Innovator trophy — will be awarded for the idea with the most creativity, viability, originality, and revenue potential. Individuals or businesses interested in entering the PITCHfest competition can find contest rules and an online submission form.  


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Domain Auctions

You can purchase domains via various domain auction sites, these websites make it easier to buy and sell domain names.

A drop registrar is a domain name registrar who registers expiring domain names, to sell at auction, as soon as the registration expires. To participate in a drop registrar auction you need to register your interest prior to the beginning of the auction.

A domain auction site allows a customer to purchase a previously registered domain, which suits their needs, from an owner who wishes to sell their domain name. A domain auction site allows sellers to list multiple domains, easily and conveniently, on the one website.

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TRAFFIC New York 2009 Awards

traffic.jpgThe TRAFFIC Awards were present to the winners last night. Voting for the nominated parties started 2 months ago and as these are votes by domainers, well done to all that won the praise of their fellow domainers.

And the nominations and winners were…

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T.R.A.F.F.I.C New York 2009 Final Agenda Released

traffic.jpgCo-founders Rick Schwartz and Howard Neu released their final agenda, and you will not be disappointed!

The event will keep you busy and engaged with a diversified agenda of great speakers, panelist, auctions, and the opportunity to network with your peers.

Their T.R.A.F.F.I.C TEST TRACK gives business entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a committee of well know domain experts and investors.

“A bit of a takeoff from the successful new ABC reality show, Shark Tank”.

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