Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest domain industry news and developments for the current month. Learn about emerging trends and market insights within the industry including more about new AI name registrations, best domain selection, and news about NamesCon 2023.
The AI Boom Extends Into Domain Names
As result of an AI boom, many new .ai domain registrations are being created all the time now. Lots of new startup companies are calling themselves an AI company and many old companies are rebranding.
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Domain Selection: gTLDs Vs. ccTLDs
Google’s John Mueller, has spoken about the difference between generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), offering practical advice to businesses and SEO professionals.
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Above.com at NamesCon Global 2023
Above.com has partnered again with NamesCon 2023 for this year’s event. Our team was there at the event and thoroughly enjoyed their time.
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