What Is Domain Parking ?

Domain buying and selling has for long been a very profitable business. If a domainer (person who buys and sells domain names for a living) is lucky enough to buy a domain at the right time, predicting the upcoming trends, they could sell it for an astronomical profit. For example, the domain Candy.com recently sold for 3 million US dollars.

What does selling domain have to do with ‘Domain Parking’?
There are two kind of domain parking: monetized and non-monetized. The latter is a simple ‘Coming Soon…’ message displayed on the page. But what I am talking about is the former, which is where a domain owner converts traffic to a domain, into money. Most domain owners also offer the domain name for sale, and ‘park’ it while they wait for someone to offer the right price.

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What is ‘Whois’?

If you have been using the Internet for a while, you may have heard the word ‘whois’.
But what is it? What does it do?

Whois is basically an Internet function that allows you to query WHOIS databases for domain registration information. If you want to contact a domain owner, it can help you find contact details.

By performing a whois search, you can get information like when and by whom a domain was registered, contact name and e-mail, when it expires and what name servers the domain is pointed to. If you are interested in purchasing a parked domain, for example, this can help you find a contact e-mail address.

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T.R.A.F.F.I.C New York 2009 Final Agenda Released

traffic.jpgCo-founders Rick Schwartz and Howard Neu released their final agenda, and you will not be disappointed!    www.targetedtraffic.com

The event will keep you busy and engaged with a diversified agenda of great speakers, panelist, auctions, and the opportunity to network with your peers.

Their T.R.A.F.F.I.C TEST TRACK gives business entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a committee of well know domain experts and investors.

“A bit of a takeoff from the successful new ABC reality show, Shark Tank”.

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Your nice domain is worth nothing

If you are a beginner in the fabulous world of domaining, be careful with what you buy. Your only goal should be to make a profit, that is to sell any domain you buy for more money you spent in the first place. Having a nice name does not do anything if there is no buyer for it. In that case, you are not a domainer anymore but merely a collector.

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Yahoo to Shut Down their Paid Inclusion Programs

yahoo-logo.gifYahoo has annouced that by the end of this year all forms of Paid Inclusion into the Yahoo Search Index will be shut down!

This is probably the best news I have heard from Yahoo for a long time for Domainers.

Background… Trellian was a long standing Yahoo partner, reselling Paid Inclusion services via our Priority Submit service since 2001, since the good old Inktomi and AltaVista paid inclusion days. Unfortunately Inktomi was acquired by Overture and shortly later Overture and AltaVista was acquired by Yahoo.

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Domains with or without the hyphen ?

When looking at domain names made of several keywords, it is often tempting to consider linking them with an hyphen: keyword1-keyword2.com instead of keyword1keyword2.com From …

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Brand protection and domain names

trademarks.gifIf you own a brand and want to really protect it online, a basic action would require you to buy more than 250 domain names.

280 is indeed the number of domain extensions in total:

  • 20 generic TLD (.com, .net, .biz, .edu … to name a few)
  • 248 country code TLD (.fr, .de, .th, .us, .uk, .ru, .cm to name a few)
  • 1 historic extension: .arpa
  • 11 would be extensions currently in testing phase.

So to be sure that no one can buy you brand name online, you need to register 268 domains. And then you might need to consider some common typos and hyphen versions and key product names.

Have you done it yet?

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Domain Aftermarket

Domain Aftermarket – is the secondary market for Internet domain names. There a millions of domains that are already registered, many of which are excellent generics or very brandable names, exactly what you would like. So in order to get the domain you would like, you need to negotiate a purchase price from the current owner or bid for the domain if in one of the after market auction sites.

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Domain Parking

Domain Parking in the true sense of the meaning is a domain name that is not developed, such as having a temporary page, under construction or points to another domain. However Domain Parking has a second meaning, a meaning that is utilized by thousands of Domainers, which is the act of monetizing the direct navigation traffic or backlink traffic that some domain names posses.

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