25 Oldest Currently Registered .Com Domain Names


With the .com turning 25 years old this months a peek at  the oldest currently registered .com domain names along with the registration dates, according to VeriSign.


        DOMAIN NAME               DATE

symbolics.com                March 15, 1985

bbn.com                          April 24, 1985

think.com                         May 24, 1985

mcc.com                         July 11, 1985

dec.com                          September 30, 1985


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As 3D technology becomes more popular, is it worth registering 3D domain names?

3D movies have become popular again with the release of Avatar and it is safe to say that 3D technology will improve over a very short period of time. Many more movies are set to be released in 3D and we have the ability to watch television in 3D; even YouTube supports 3D videos now. But as technology evolves, you have to ask: Is it worth registering 3D domain names?

When registering domain names you have to keep in mind how fast technology is evolving and how far ahead of the craze you will need to be, as an example 3dtv.com was created 14 years ago. Someone had a lot of foresight 14 years ago…

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Watch your TLD’s when buying domains

New TLD‘s are continually being added and it can be easy to get caught up in these.

A generic name, such as ‘shoes.com’ can prove to be a good investment but a domain of another TLD, such as shoes.do or shoes.dm, will generally have a much lower value.

There are ways to benefit from ccTLD‘s and gTLD‘s, although this can prove to be very difficult.

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What are two character domain names worth?

8l.com sold through online auction site, Sedo, for USD$14,000. Sedo also recently sold 9l.com for USD$10,099. Both 8l.com and 9l.com do not contain websites, as of yet.

Two letter domain names are rare and nearly all are currently registered; they are valuable because they are short and easy to remember.

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Celebrity Domain Names

Similar to the Michael Jackson and Tiger Woods domain name rush a huge amount of domainers have been quick to register Brittany Murphy domain names, after she recently passed away.

Whenever something happens in the celebrity world or there is a celebrity scandal it make people buy domains names. Celebrities draw domain traffic; Paris Hilton is a celebrity known for scandals and KeywordDiscovery states that the search term ‘Paris Hilton’ is searched for approximately 19,398 times a day!

As soon as there is a scandal from a celebrity there is a sudden rush to register domain names appropriate to the scandal. For example, Tiger Woods has recently been in the spotlight for indiscretions he made and on the day the Wood’s scandal was publicized, 30th November 2009, the domain name: TigerWoodsCheater.com was created.

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