Above.com adds .WEBSITE, .HOST, and .PRESS to its list of supported Top Level Domains

Above.com to add three new Top Level Domain to the Above.com Domain Investor Platform on September 18, 2014, marking the start of the General Availability phase for these domains. Clients will be able to register .WEBSITE, .HOST, and .PRESS domains on the Above platform. These TLDs will also be fully supported in the Above.com Parking Manager and in the Above Marketplace, providing new gTLD domain owners the opportunity to monetize their new domains, or to test the domains market value in the Above Marketplace.

Above.com is committed to provide our clients with domain inventory from trusted registry partners, and our clients can expect options to grow as we move through our new TLD vetting process. Above is also committed to bring new TLDs to market at low prices, to provide clients the opportunity to realize profit from each domain investment faster.

.dotWebsiteWEBSITE is the perfect choice for anyone to get online with a brandable & memorable domain name that is synonymous with the internet and is recognized globally. Above will introduce this domain with a special price of $14.99 for the first year of registration, when registered between September 17, 2014 and November 17, 2014.

Host_Colour-01.HOST aims to become the preferred domain extension for web hosts, ASPs, ISVs, cloud service providers, data centers and other entities within the web hosting industry. Above will introduce this domain with a special price of $49.99 for the first year of registration, when registered between September 17, 2014 and October 17, 2014.

Final-Press_Logo.PRESS gives journalists, bloggers, media professionals, news corporations and publishers the perfect way to establish their credibility and grow their online reach and relevance! Above will introduce this domain a price of $65.00 for the each year of registration.

Registrations starting at 16:00 UTC on September 18, 2014.


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