Above.com Pty Ltd Domain Dispute Policy
Domain Registration Agreement | Dispute Policy | Registrar Terms | Above.com Privacy Policy
Registrant agrees that, if the use of the Domain name(s) is challanged by a third party, the Registrant will be subject to the provisions of the appropriate Dispute Policy for that Domain extension, in effect at the time of the dispute.
The Registrant agrees that in the event a dispute arises with a third party, the Registrant will indemnify and hold Above.com Pty Ltd, Registry Operator and Service Providers harmless in all circumstances, and that Above.com Pty Ltd, Registry Operator and Service Providers will have no liability of any kind for any loss or liability resulting from any such dispute, including the decision and final outcome of such dispute. If a complaint has been filed with a judicial or administrative body regarding the domain, the Registrants agrees not to make any changes to the Domain without Above.com Pty Ltd's prior approval. Above.com Pty Ltd may not allow the Registrant to make changes to such Domain until:
1. Above.com Pty Ltd is directed to do so by the judicial or administrative body, or
2. Above.com Pty Ltd receives notification, in a manner prescribed by Above.com Pty Ltd from time to time, by the Registrant and the other party contesting the Registrant registration or use of the Domain, that the dispute has been settled.
The Registrant further agrees to be bound by the current dispute policies as detailed below, that are incorporated herein and made a part of this Domain Dispute Policy Agreement by reference.
.com, .net, .org, .info, .name, .cc, .tv, .co, .xyz, .website, .press, .host
- The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution policy, available at: http://www.icann.org/
- The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution policy, available at: http://www.icann.org/, The Start-up Trademark Opposition Policy ("STOP"), and The Restrictions Dispute Resolution Criteria and Rules, available at: https://www.registry.neustar/
.com.au, .net.au
The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by auDA, available at: https://www.auda.org.au/policies/
- The Domain Dispute policies as set forth by Nuestar, available at: http://www.neustar.us/
.co.uk, me.uk, .org.uk, .uk
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by Nominet, available at: http://www.nominet.uk/go/terms/
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by AFNIC, available at: http://www.afnic.fr/
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by NASK, available at: http://www.dns.pl/
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by CZ.NIC, available at: http://www.nic.cz/
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by Domain.Me, available at: http://www.domain.me
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by dotMobi, available at: http://dotmobi.com/
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by Eurid, available at: http://www.eurid.eu/
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by Denic, available at: http://www.denic.de/
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by DNS Belgium, available at: http://www.dnsbelgium.be
- The Dispute Resolution Service Policy as set forth by SIDN, available at: https://www.sidn.nl/en/