Above.com Verified Stats

Above.com now offers domain owners the ability to privately provide potential buyers an access code to have view level access to their domain revenue and traffic stats using the Above Verified Stats service. Entire portfolios can be shown or you can limit viewing to a specific domain. The domain owner controls who gets to see the statistics and how long the access code stays valid.

Above.com imports domain parking stats directly from the Parking Companies making sure sellers have the confidence knowing that the domain statistics provided are Verified by Above.

This is a free service for all Above.com clients. Clients can access the Verified Stats service from their Above Parking Manager control panel or via this link: http://www.above.com/verifiedstats/verified-stats.html. Step by step instructions are available at http://www.above.com/manual-verified-stats.html.

For information on how to use this service, send us a message using our Contact Us page at http://www.above.com/contact.html.


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