Above’s Registrar Provides Bulk Features and Reports Built For Domain Investors

There is no question that domain investors have different needs than the average domain owner when using a registrar. Fulfilling those specific needs is the foundation upon which Above.com’s registrar was built. In addition to a wide variety of time-saving bulk action tools, we also offer useful features like free whois privacy, convenient reports, and wholesale rates on transfers and renewals.

Here are a few of the time-saving bulk actions available when using our registrar:

  • Bulk Domain Renewal
  • Set DNS
  • Approve Transfers
  • Request EPP Codes
  • Lock Domains
  • Set Auto-Renew Status
  • Set Privacy

Pictured below is a screenshot of our “My Domains” dashboard. The advanced search capability includes filtering based on keyword string, DNS, TLD, status, expiring within X days, and more.

In the My Domains table, simply click a column header to sort. Applying bulk actions is as easy as clicking the box next to the desired domains and then selecting one of the black action buttons.

Above’s registrar also provides domain investors with an array of helpful reports. You can receive reports on upcoming expirations, transfers, pending registrations, backorders, and more. We also offer an API for advanced investors.

One of the newest additions to our registrar is the Consolidator tool. It helps domain investors effortlessly track domain expiration dates by pulling whois data from ALL registrars into one dashboard. Watch this brief video to learn more about how the Consolidator tool can work for you!

In addition to our everyday discounted prices on over 80 TLDs, make sure you contact us to save BIG on bulk transfers and renewals!
