Are Trademark Typo Domains a good idea ?

trademarks.gifWith the amount of traffic that is generated everyday from people missepelling common brands, it may be tempting to register lots of domains containing words such as startbucks, macdonad or micosoft.
While this strategy used to prove successful when domain names first became popular back in the 1990s, this is now a very dangerous business.

Nowadays, the UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution), which is a set of rules created by ICANN to decide who is the lawful registrant of a domain in case of conflict has been used numerous times to fight against trademark infringers.

So if you decide to register a name simply because it contains or sounds like a trademarked name, in the best case scenario you will quickly lose the domain. The other scenario is going through the US legal system, where some very interesting laws are in place to really penalize TM cybersquatters, such as the ACP laws that can award up US$100,000.00 per offending domain. Plus add to this punitive and treble damages and you could be looking at $300,000.00 per domain.

Don’t waste your time with this strategy, there are a lot more approaches you can take to make money with domain names.
