All your domains belong to us

Some extensions require to be a resident of a specific country or to own a business.
If you don’t qualify yourself, it may be tempting to own the domains to use the services of a third party.

However, is it the right choice ? There are two main issues with this approach:

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Moniker down

We have just been informed that the domain name registrar and auction house Moniker has been down for the past 15 hours. It seems to …

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Is UDRP really fair and unbiased ?

The UDRP is the procedure that is used when someone wants to complain about the rights to a domain.
While it was established by ICANN, there are several companies that share the disputes.
Each of those companies select a panel to study each case and make a decision.
However it seems that at least one of these companies may not be totally fair.

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Share up for sale. Again.

When sold for a reported, but never confirmed, $14million back in 2006, everyone thought it was the end of a (very) long story.
After all this domain history is so complex that even a book has been written on it!
It looks like the story is not complete yet.

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Low cost domains can be high value

One recommended strategy is to focus on mid to high cost domains and sell them in the long term for a very high amount of money. After all, your only yearly cost is a few dollars.

However, it can be more interesting financially to focus on low cost domains. Their resell value can be a lot more, provided you buy only domains which have got a real value rather than simply gambling.

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An ugly website generates more

Sometimes it makes sense to develop a website rather than simply parking it. This allows you a lot more control about the design and the content, as well as provide a site that is very different from all the other ones.
However if you want to make money using advertising, be it adsense or any other platform, it is probably best not to have a too good looking design.

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Why would someone buy anyway ?

If, as a domainer, you want to focus on selling high priced domains, you need to remember why someone would want to buy such a name.

According to SmallBizTrends, there are only three reasons:

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5 places where to sell domains

At some point you will want to sell your domains. Here are five places where you can do it:

  • Forums. Domain forums are probably the most common and popular way to sell domains. Please note that most of the members of forums are people like you: domainers and people looking to resell domains. This is not the right place to find end users in search of a specific domain.
  • Brokers. They are specialist in selling domains, like an estate agent is a specialist at selling houses. They will typically keep 20% of the selling price but know a lot more people than you do so can probably find better buyers. Also, as they are paid on commission, they want to get the best price for the domain.

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