Sedo Parking Statistics Cleanup

Today, Sedo sent an e-mail out to all its parking customers informing them of the upcoming improvements to their parking stats. This includes improvements to their traffic counting methods.

Here is the complete email:

At Sedo, we’re dedicated to offering only the highest quality products and services to help you make the most of your domain portfolio. In a continued effort to do so, we’ve made some important changes to Sedo’s parking program and are conducting a parking statistics “cleanup.”

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.Co Domain Launch

With the Local Sunrise phase of the .Co ccTLD launch closed and roughly
two weeks until the end of the Global Sunrise, Landrush (public
availability at a price of around USD $300 per year) is not far away.

The Landrush phase is provided for businesses that do not hold a
registered trademark for a particular name, but wish to protect their
brand. This phase gives them the opportunity to register the .co
variation of their existing domain, though owning the existing domain
is not a requirement. Since this phase is technically open to anyone,
many of the bigger domainers will be buying up valuable generic
domains. The high price is designed to discourage domainers from
snapping up too many domains, during this phase. If two or more people
attempt to register the same domain during this phase, it will go into
an auction.

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Share Sold for $1 Million


Sedo recently brokered the largest .org sale to date for A-1 National Advertising. was sold to for $1 million. Prior to this, the highest sale of a .org was $198,000 for, followed by for $151,400.

The buyers of the domain,, are an affiliate marketing company who help acquire customers for many major poker rooms, casinos, skill game and betting companies on the internet. They also operate a number of other websites including:,,,, and

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Stricter .CN Regulations Lead to Registration Drop

CNINIC (.CN Registry) has recently introduced stricter regulations for registering .CN domains. As a results, some Chinese businesses and website owners are looking elsewhere when registering domain names. The new regulations require that .CN domains be registered with the Chinese government. Failure to do some will result in your domain being disabled/deleted.

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ActiveAudience Becomes SmartName

The domain parking service, ActiveAudience recently moved all its services and users to SmartName. For previous ActiveAudience users, this means access to many more features …

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