Disney Domain Dispute

bloghsm3dvd.jpgDisney, a major media company, filed a domain dispute case requesting for 41 domain names to be transferred to Disney as they were all very similar to trademarks Disney has registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The domain names are:
babybambi.com, babyeintstien.com, carsthevideogames.com, cheetahagirls.com, cheetahgirlsmovie.com, cheetahgirlstwo.com, cheetergirls.com, cinderala.com, cinderalla3.com, cindrella3.com, clubpanguins.com, clubepnguin.com, clubpeingiun.com, clubpengnin.com, clubpenguinpasswords.com, dianeymovieclub.com, diisneilatino.com, disnary.com, disnev.com, disneycakes.com, disneysanimalkingdom.com, epspn.com, haighscoolmusical.com, hannahmontanaconcerts.com, hannahmontanashop.com, hannahmontanamusicvideos.com, higeschoolmusical.com, highschoolmsical.com, highschoolmuical.com, highschoolmusicel.com, highshoolmusical.com, highskoolmusical.com, mundodedisny.com, musicahighschoolmusical.com, playhawsdisne.com, playhousdisne.com, playhousediisney.com, playhousedinseychannel.com, thatsoravan.com, thatssoravon.com, and videoshighschoolmusical.com.

All of the domains listed above were registered between 2003 and 2008.

Disney owns the numerous trademarks, including: Club Penguin, Bambai, Cars, Cheetah Girls, Cinderella, Disney, High School Musical, Play House Disney, Disney’s Animal Kingdom and Hannah Montana; which clearly shows that the above domains were infringing and as a result Disney won the dispute, in all but one of the domains.

As in the case of Babyeintstien.com the panel decided that it was not confusingly similar to a Disney trademark.

Image from: http://www.girl.com.au/high-school-musical-3-senior-year-dvd.htm
