Enhance Buyer Confidence With Verified Stats For Traffic/Revenue Domains

Have you ever had a hard time proving to buyers the added value of traffic and revenue generated by your domain?

If so, you need to use Above’s Verified Stats! To alleviate any misgivings in making offers or placing bids, sellers can allow prospective buyers to see actual verified stats confirmed by Above.com. This is a free feature available for domains using our AutoPilot platform. Being able to provide an extra level of certainty can be the tipping point that ultimately leads to a deal!

Verified Stats help you add value to your domain names based on concrete stats that can be provided to other users and come directly from our system, which pulls and aggregates stats from the different parking services. This provides proof of the value of your domains.

This highly customizable tool allows you to pull stats for one domain, a few domains, or even an entire portfolio. The domain owner controls who can see the stats, for how long, and what is or is not able to be seen.

An access code is generated for you to give to buyers at your discretion. You can also enter the buyer’s Above.com username in the tool so only that Above.com user can see the information after logging in. Buyers need an Above.com account to access the Verified Stats.

Creating a Verified Stats code is quick and easy. Simply log into your AutoPilot account, click “Verified Stats” on the top menu and then choose “Create New Code.” Once logged in, Above users who are selling domains can create new codes and manage existing codes here. This is also where potential buyers will need to visit to enter codes they have received from sellers.

For a more detailed overview of using Verified Stats, visit the online manual.

If you are interested in buying or selling, the Above marketplace was specifically created to meet domain investors needs!
