New Article Sheds Light On Trellian’s Unique History (Parent Company to

A touching new story was published last week on David Warmuz and his late brother Ren Warmuz, co-founders of Trellian, parent company to

The article is titled, “The Warmuz Way: How Trellian Has Triumphed for 20 Years Despite the Tragic Loss of a Founder.”

It reflects on the story of two innovative brothers and how by combining their talents in data and technology, their company has enjoyed continuous growth and success over the past 20 years.

“Our business partnership worked extremely well because we had very different talents. We were two sides of the same coin. Ren was a creative and programming genius who was at his best when focused on ideas and product development. Whereas I was the business operations, sales, accounting, and management side of the coin. Together, our different talents helped us accomplish a lot. We were an amazing team.”  

– David Warmuz

Click here to read the full story.


We would like to extend special thanks to Ron Jackson of DNJournal for so accurately covering David and Ren’s journey.
