The Above.com team returned from Las Vegas fully charged after having a steady stream of domain investors visit our booth during the 5th annual NamesCon conference last week!
Domain investors attending NamesCon were on a mission to find ways to be more successful in all areas of domain investing and portfolio management.
As a result, the Above.com booth saw plenty of action as a steady stream of attendees came through with an array of questions for our team of domain portfolio management experts.
What specifically were attendees looking for at NamesCon? Below are the top five questions we heard at the booth and some brief answers for those who weren’t able to make it this year!
For more in-depth information, email us or try our blog’s search function.
1. How can you make me more money on my traffic?
- We have been helping domain investors get the most money possible for their traffic since 2008 with our Autopilot platform and Maximizer Advertising Channel. AutoPilot drives revenues higher by finding highest paying channel for each domain. AutoPilot also includes access to Maximizer Advertising Channel. For qualified traffic, Maximizer is the top choice in AutoPilot due to the exceptional payouts. Read more about Maximizer in question four and watch this video to learn more about how AutoPilot works.
2. How is your brokerage service different?
- To start, Above charges a flat 15% fee on all brokered domain transactions with no required minimums. We also do our best to keep an open line of communication throughout the sales process for all brokerage clients. Click here to get started buying or selling with our brokerage service!
3. What’s new at Above this year?
- Portfolio Manager was launched into full release recently. Portfolio Manager is a free service designed to help domain investors more efficiently manage portfolio data, make smarter decisions, and more quickly take actions to improve earnings.
- One of the many features rolled out with Portfolio Manager was our innovative Consolidator Tool. To put it simply, the Consolidator tool eliminates the time and effort required to track expiration dates on domains spread out across multiple registrars. It pulls whois data and displays registrar name, DNS setting, and expiration date into one dashboard! Watch this quick video on Consolidator’s top features and largest benefits.
4. Do you sell domain traffic to direct advertisers?
- Yes! In fact, we have been selling qualified domain traffic directly to advertisers through our Maximizer Advertising Channel for 10 years. We have built a reputation for quality, which gives us a clear advantage in our quest to get you the highest payouts. Learn more about Maximizer Advertising Channel.
5. I like the revenue opportunities with your Maximizer channel. But I also want inbound leads. Can I have some traffic going to Maximizer and some going to a For Sale page?”
- This is a common question from our clients, so we developed a custom tool specifically for domain investors who do not want to choose between monetization and a for sale page for their domains. This gives you the ability to bypass parking, yet still generate a continuous revenue stream while offering your domains for sale! Click here to learn more about this feature .
If you missed NamesCon or did not have a chance to stop by our booth, email us or send a message on live chat with questions.