What is ‘Whois’?

If you have been using the Internet for a while, you may have heard the word ‘whois’.
But what is it? What does it do?

Whois is basically an Internet function that allows you to query WHOIS databases for domain registration information. If you want to contact a domain owner, it can help you find contact details.

By performing a whois search, you can get information like when and by whom a domain was registered, contact name and e-mail, when it expires and what name servers the domain is pointed to. If you are interested in purchasing a parked domain, for example, this can help you find a contact e-mail address.

What is Domain Privacy?

Some registrars allow their customers to purchase something called ‘Domain Privacy’ when registering a domain name. This adds a level of security to a customers details, especially for private domain owners, who obviously do not want their home address available to the whole world.

This comes with its pros and cons.
Generally, the whois information will include an e-mail address like ‘privacy@<registrar>’. This means they will receive thousands of e-mails every day, and then have to forward the e-mail on to the domain owner’s real e-mail address. This can sometimes take some time if the e-mail address receives a lot of e-mails. But on the plus side, the domain owner will not receive as much spam since their e-mail address is not displayed publicly and may respond
more quickly.

How do I do a Whois look up?

There are many Whois tools available on the Internet. The easiest way is to go to: http://domains.above.com/whois.html
