API Queries - Add Account
The add_account function adds a new parking service account to your Above.com account. Additional parameters are required for this function.
Additional Parameters
- park_id - The ID of the parking service you are adding. A list of parking services and their IDs can be retrieved using the List Parking Providers API function. (Required)
- acc_username - The username for your parking service account. (Required)
- acc_password - The password for your parking service account. (Required)
- enabled - Enable this parking service account for use with the Auto Optimizer. Default is "1" (enabled). Accepted values are "0" (disabled) and "1" (enabled). (Optional)
- download - Whether or not to download statistics for this parking service account. Default is "1" (enabled) and this is automatically enabled when the account is enabled. Accepted values are "0" (disable downloading statistics) and "1" (enabled downloading statistics). (Optional)
Account Redirection Parameters
Note: Only one option can be set when adding a parking service.
- default - The default redirection method for this parking service. This parameter is used by default unless redirect_url, ip or cname are used. Accepted values are "1" (enabled). (Optional)
- ip - The custom IP address provided by the parking service to be used for your account redirect. (Optional)
- cname - The custom cname provided by the parking service to be used for your account redirect. (Optional)
Note: Parking service DomainApps (park_id=3) has an additional redirection option redirect_url.
Service-Specific Parameters
Some services have required and optional additional parameters:
SEDO (park_id = 1)
- sdo_signkey - SEDO sign key for SEDO API access. (Optional)
- sdo_partnerid - SEDO partner id for SEDO API access. (Optional)
- sdo_currency - Currency for API, either USD or EURO. (Required if sdo_partnerid or sdo_signkey is used)
Note: Standard SEDO accounts (not SEDO Pro) have limited access to statistics, and need API access for retrieving historical statistics.
Bodis (park_id = 25)
- bod_apikey - API Key provided by Bodis. (Optional)
Skenzo (park_id = 17)
- skz_customerid - API Key provided by Skenzo. (Optional)
- skz_guid - Customer GUID provided by Skenzo. (Optional)
RookMedia (park_id = 35)
- rmg_guid - Customer GUID provided by RookMedia. (Optional)
DomainSponsor (park_id = 2)
- ds_guid - Customer GUID provided by DomainSponsor. (Optional)
ParkingCrew (park_id = 38)
- pkc_api_key - API Key provided by ParkingCrew. (Required)
DomainAdvertising (park_id = 31)
- domadv_key - API Key provided by DomainAdvertising. (Optional)
- domadv_guid - Customer GUID provided by DomainAdvertising. (Optional)
DomainApps (park_id = 3)
- dap_apikey - API Key provided by DomainApps. (Required)
- redirect_url - The redirect URL for your parking service account. Use the $D variable where the domain needs to be inserted. (Optional)
Voodoo (park_id = 43)
- voodoo_id - Customer ID provided by Voodoo. (Optional)
- voodoo_key - API Key provided by Voodoo. (Optional)
Note: Make sure to URL encode all values.
Example query and response:
In this example, we will add a new Voodoo parking account (park_id=43), that has the username "voodoouser1234" (acc_username=voodoouser1234), password "voodoopassword21" (acc_password=voodoopassword21) and Voodoo ID (voodoo_id=1234567890)
Example query:
<results account_id="1234" status="Added" />
The response will include the unique account_id, which is used when editing this account's settings. To edit a parking service account's settings, use the Edit Account API function.
Error Responses:
Possible error responses for this function are:
- 414 - park_id is required for add_account
- 421 - acc_username/acc_password is required for add_account
- 422 - Please enter valid currency for SEDO using signkey for API access
- 425 - Please enter API key
- 426 - API key may only contain letters from A to F, and numbers, and must be 30 characters in length
- 427 - Partner ID must be a number
- 500 - Account addition failed: NOTICE: (reason)
- General errors, such as 200 - Internal Error or 300 - Username or password invalid.