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Monetization API

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My Account Manual

API Error Codes

Your application should check for error code responses from our API - do not assume that a query was successful. Error codes could be produced by using incorrect username and password details, leaving out required extra parameters, providing incorrectly formatted values or an internal API error.

Below we have provided a list of all possible error codes, what they mean and their solutions.

Note: The error message can vary between API functions, while error codes stay consistent.

2XX - Internal Error
  • Error Code 200 - Internal Error
    			<error code="200" error="Internal error" />

    Meaning: Indicates an internal error. This could be caused by our servers being overloaded or scheduled maintenance.

    Solution: Try again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this error, please contact us.

3XX - Authentication Error
  • Error Code 300 - Username or password invalid
    			<error code="300" error="Username or password invalid" />

    Meaning: You have not included your username and/or password or the username and password provided are incorrect.

    Solution: Make sure you have included your username and password in the query and that the values are correctly URL encoded (particularly if your username is an e-mail address).

  • Error Code 301 - API Key Invalid
    			<error code="301" error="API key invalid" />

    Meaning: Username and password provided are correct, but the API key provided was invalid.

    Solution: Make sure you are including your API key in your query. If you do not have an API key, contact us to obtain one.

4XX - Invalid Input
  • Error Code 400 - Invalid mode parameter
    			<error code="400" error="Valid modes are: add_domains, delete_domains, list_domains, add_folder, delete_folder, edit_folder, list_folders, 
    			 fetch, report, domainreport, reportlist, list_parking_providers, add_account, delete_account, edit_account, list_accounts, list_conflicts, claim_domains, referrers, 
    			 searchterms, pages" />

    Meaning: You have not included a valid mode value. Valid modes are: add_domains, delete_domains, list_domains, add_folder, delete_folder, edit_folder, list_folders, fetch, report, domainreport, reportlist, list_parking_providers, add_account, delete_account, edit_account and list_accounts.

    Solution: If you have included the mode attribute, check the spelling of the value. You may have added an 's' to the end or something may be incorrectly spelt.

41X - Missing Parameter