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My Account Manual

API Queries - List Conflicts

The list_conflicts function lists domains in conflict and their statuses. No additional parameters are required for this function.

Additional Parameters

  • start - The starting offset for results. Default is 0 (Optional)
  • num - The number of results to show from the report. Default is 100, maximum is 1,000 (Optional)
  • type - The type of conflict to view. Default is pending. Options available are "pending", "claimed" or "all".

Example queries and responses:

In this example, we list all domains currently in conflict and their statuses. If a domain belongs to you, you can claim it using the Claim Domains API function. If a domain does not belong to you, you can delete the conflict using the Delete Domains API function.

Example query:


			<result claim_date="February 29, 2016 12:31" domain="domain1.com" status="New Claim"/>
			<result claim_date="February 29, 2016 12:31" domain="domain2.net" status="New Claim"/>

Possible statuses are "Already Claimed" and "New Claim". If the status is "New Claim", you can claim the domain using the Claim Domains API function. If the status is "Already Claimed", the conflict will be resolved by your account manager, usually within 24 hours.

Note: It is often difficult to resolve conflicts on domains with privacy enabled. To speed up the process, please send proof of ownership to your Above.com Account Manager or contact us if you are unable to do so.

Error Responses:

Possible error responses for this function are:

For a complete list of error responses, see the Error Codes manual page.