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Monetization API

Registrar API

My Account Manual

Code Examples

PHP Code Examples

Here are some code examples for connecting to the Monetization API via PHP. Be sure to replace user and pass with your Monetization username and password, respectively.

Note: The below code examples have been tested in PHP 5 only. For compatibility with other PHP versions, some modifications may be required.

  1. Reportlist Function Example

    This code example will retrieve a list of all generated reports and their statuses, using the API function reportlist.


    // define credentials
    $username = "user";
    $password = "pass";
    $api_key = "key";

    // define settings
    $start = "0"; // Report record to start from
    $number = "10"; // How many report records to show

    # Get a list of previously generated reports, using API function reportlist

    // create query URL, correctly URL encoded -- It is best to urlencode all values, just in case
    $query_url = "https://www.above.com/api.php?username=" . urlencode($username) . "&password=" . urlencode($password) .
            "&api_key=" . urlencode($key) . "&mode=reportlist&start=" . urlencode($start) ."&num=" . urlencode($number);

    // attempt connection and to put response into variable $res
    $res = file_get_contents($query_url);

    // if connection was successful
    if($res) {

       // parse XML results

       // put response in XML object $results
       $results = simplexml_load_string($res); // you could also use a regex to get data, but this way is neater

       // check for error
       if($results->error) {

          // if there was an error, get reason and display
          $error_attributes = $results->error->attributes();

          // display error
          echo "Error: " . $error_attributes->error;

       } elseif($results->getName() == "results") { // if there was NOT an error

          // get list
          foreach($results->result as $result){

            // get attributes of each result
            $result_attributes = $result->attributes();

            // print report details
            echo "Report ID: " . $result_attributes['reportid'] . ", Generated: " . $result_attributes['generated'] .
                ", Status: " . $result_attributes['status'] . "\n";

          // end get list


    } else { // if there was a connection error

       // print error
       echo "Connection error!";


  2. Fetch Function Example

    This code example will retrieve a generated report, using the API function fetch.


    // define credentials
    $username = "user";
    $password = "pass";
    $api_key = "key";

    // define settings
    $reportid = "12345"; // ID of the report to fetch
    $start = "0"; // Report record to start from
    $number = "20"; // How many report records to show

    # Get a list of previously generated reports, using API function reportlist

    // create query URL, correctly URL encoded -- It is best to urlencode all values, just in case
    $query_url = "https://www.above.com/api.php?username=" . urlencode($username) . "&password=" . urlencode($password) .
            "&api_key=" . urlencode($key) . "&mode=fetch&reportid=" . urlencode($reportid) . "&start=" . urlencode($start) .
            "&num=" . urlencode($number);

    // attempt connection and to put response into variable $res
    $res = file_get_contents($query_url);

    // if connection was successful
    if($res) {

       // parse XML results

       // put response in XML object $results
       $results = simplexml_load_string($res); // you could also use a regex to get data, but this way is neater

       // check if any children exist for <results> -- which indicates report is not returned
       if( count($results->children()) != 0 ) {

         // check for error
         if($results->error) {

            // if there was an error, get reason and display
            $error_attributes = $results->error->attributes();

            // display error
            echo "Error: " . $error_attributes->error;

         } elseif($results->getName() == "results") { // no error, but status returned

              // get status of report
              $status = $result->attributes();

              if($status['status'] == "Generating") {

                // show status
                echo "Report is currently generating - try again in a few minutes.";

              } else {

                // unknown status
                echo "Unknown Status: " . $status['status'];



       } elseif( count($results->children()) == 0 ) { // report is ready and has been returned

          # What you do with the CSV output now is up to you!
          # You could save it to a file or parse it and insert it into a database
          # Remember: The first row is the heading - it does not contain values
          echo "CSV: " . trim($results); // We trim to remove extra linebreaks and spaces


    } else { // if there was a connection error

       // print error
       echo "Connection error!";

