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Reports allows you to generate and optionally export reports including statistics and revenue for a specific time period or group of domains.

The default view is the Last 7 days, All Folders and grouped by Day. You can change these options to show custom reports.

Reports - Last 7 Days Report

When a time period including the Last 7 days is selected for a report grouped by Day, the dates shown in red at the top of the report show that these stats have not been finalized from the parking services.

Dates that are not fully updated or have been queued for a re-import will also show in red, such as 2019-07-30 in the above example.

Tip: To view the dates that data is still being imported for, you can click on the these days link in the message.

Service Comparison Report

The Service Comparison report is very effective at showing the differences between your added parking services over the multiple time periods which you can specify.

With the example below, we have selected to show a 7 day period as well as the same period from the previous year. All folders have been selected and the group by option is the Service Comparison report. Bodis and ParkingCrew services have been selected and the filters Hits, Uniques, Reported, Clicks and Revenue have been chosen to be collated in the report.

Reports - Service Comparison
(Click to Enlarge)

Reports - Service Comparison results
(Click to Enlarge)

Note: Only columns initially chosen when creating the report can be shown in the report.

The stats gathered in the report are also now shown in graphs below this data. Mouse over the graph to show stats for the selected date.

Reports - Service Comparison graph
(Click to Enlarge)

Tip: Clicking on the date range in the graph will toggle the display on and off for of the range selected for clearer viewing. You can also zoom in on a selected area by clicking and dragging with the mouse.

Custom Report

In the example below, we have selected to show Last 3 months, --All-- folders, and to group by Domain. We have also chosen to show the following filters by selecting their checkboxes: Hits, Uniques, Reported, Clicks, Revenue, CTR, nCTR, EPC, RPM and RPM. We will also show the traffic source of each domain by placing a check mark on the "Traffic Source" filter.

You can also filter to show only certain domains by entering them in the Domains field or import your list of domains from a file, this may be more convenient if you have a large number of domains.

Reports - Custom Report
(Click to Enlarge)

These selections will return the following results:

Reports - Custom Report Results
(Click to Enlarge)

Tip: You can click any of the column names to sort the results by this column.

Group by

Depending on how you would like to view the report requested, you can choose an option from the Group by drop down menu.

Reports - Custom Report
(Click to Enlarge)

Group by options

This option can be used when you have organized your domains into folders on the Manage Folders page and would like to view the report sorted by those folder groups.


Use this option to list all domains regardless of which folder they are in or parking service they are at.


This option can be used to see if certain days of the week perform better than others.


Similar to the Day option, Month can be used to compare a month of the year against other months.

Month & Domain

Grouping by Month & Domain can be used to easily see how a domain is performing each month.

Month & Service

This option can be used to compare how your different services are performing each month.

Month & Folder

Grouping by Month & Folder can be used to easily see how a portfolio folder of domains are performing each month.

Date & Service

This is similar to Month & Service but is further broken down to compare how your parking services are performing by day. If a report is requested with a large number of domains and/or days, the report will be added to the queue and can be access from the Jobs Queue page.

Service Comparison

This option will enable you to compare stats from your parking services against each other with the option of viewing up to 13 separate date periods at the same time.

Generate reports by Month & Service

In this example, we have selected to show the last 3 months, All domains, and to group by 'Month & Service'.

You can also filter to show only certain domains by entering them in the Domains field.

Reports - Custom Report
(Click to Enlarge)

These selections will return the following results:

Reports - Custom Report
(Click to Enlarge)

If a report is requested with a large number of domains and/or days, the report will be added to the queue and can be access from the Jobs Queue page.


Show deleted parking services in reports

By default deleted parking services are hidden in reports. To show stats from deleted parking services in reports, you will need to select "Show - All" and not "Active only" in the services selection options.

This option now allows you to compare only your current active parking services or all services added to your Monetization account.

What do the columns mean?
Traffic Source

The percentage of traffic received from Desktop or Mobile Device.

Top 10 Countries

The Top 10 Countries in order of percentage of traffic sent.


The name of the folder that the domain is resides in.


Total hits (page impressions) for all domains for the selected period. This figure includes ALL hits received by the domain including images, crawlers, bots, etc.


Total unique hits for all domains for the selected period. This value is only available when domains are using the Above.com DNS.


Total unique hits for all domains for the selected period, reported by parking companies.


The total number of clicks reported for the selected period.


The average click through ratio, calculated from reported uniques.


The normalized average click through ratio. This value is calculated from internal statistics and is only valid if ALL domains in the account are using the Above.com DNS.


The average earning per click.


Average revenue per thousand unique visitors.


A normalized RPM (revenue per thousand unique visitors) value. This value is only valid if ALL domains in the account are using the Above.com DNS.


Total parking revenues earned for the selected period.

Note: Estimates are always reported in green and are updated when final results are available.