API Queries - Pages
The pages function lists the top 10 requested pages for a domain in descending order and includes the hits for the time period selected.
Additional Parameters
- domain - The domain you wish to retrieve requested pages for. (Required)
- view_period - The time period to retrieve statistics for. Default is "last7days". Accepted values are "last7days", "last3months" and "last6months". (Optional)
- start - The starting offset for results. Default is 0 (Optional)
- num - The number of results to show from the report. Default is 100, maximum is 1,000 (Optional)
Example query:
<results> <result domain_page="/userrpm/statusrpm.htm" hits="24218"/> <result domain_page="/userrpm/wancfgrpm.htm" hits="11753"/> <result domain_page="/userrpm/wlannetworkrpm.htm" hits="11432"/> <result domain_page="/userrpm/wzdstartrpm.htm" hits="9844"/> <result domain_page="/userrpm/wlansecurityrpm.htm" hits="5580"/> <result domain_page="/userrpm/menurpm.htm" hits="4724"/> <result domain_page="/frames/top.htm" hits="4702"/> <result domain_page="/userrpm/networkcfgrpm.htm" hits="4419"/> <result domain_page="/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png" hits="3795"/> <result domain_page="/cgi-bin/luci/;stok=fd6516778bf4070ce7e94a08f9c..." hits="3432"/> </results>
Error Responses:
Possible error responses for this function are:
- 400 - Invalid mode parameter
- 410 - Domain is missing or invalid
- 412 - Period, from_date and to_date combination or value is invalid
- General errors, such as 200 - Internal Error or 300 - Username or password invalid.