API Queries - Push
The push API function allows you to move a domain from your account to another Above.com account. There is no fee for this and the domain is usually moved within a few minutes. If you want to transfer a domain into your Above.com account from another registrar, use the Transfer function instead. Additional parameters are required for this function.
Additional Parameters
- domain - Domain name to be pushed. Note: http://www. should not be included.
- toaccount - Username of the Above.com account you want to push the domain to.
- comment - A breif comment describing why the domain was pushed to this account.
Your API key is required and all values should be correctly URL encoded.
In the below example, we will push the domain "paper.com" to the Above.com account "paperstore@above.com" and include the comment "Payment for domain received" (domain=paper.com&toaccount=paperstore@above.com&comment=Payment for domain received). Note that all values need to be correctly URL encoded before querying the API (see below).
<results code="100" />
Error Codes
Possible error responses for this function are:
- 509 - Specified domain is not in your account
- 510 - Domain not specified or invalid domain
- 512 - Domain extension must be specified
- 514 - Domain is pending update or registrar/registry locked
- 1501 - To account not specified
- 1502 - Comment not specified or not ASCII
- 1503 - Invalid username or to account does not exist
- 1504 - You cannot push domains to your own account
- General errors, such as 401 - Invalid API key or 500 - System unavailable.