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Domain Details

The Domain Details page allows you to view statistical information such as a Monthly Revenue Summary and Domain Performance stats. Also displayed are the current Marketplace Settings, Domain Registration Details and a Domain Overview.

To access the Domain Details page, click on the domain name link when on the Portfolio Manager - My Domains, Sell Domains - My Domain For Sale or Consolidate - Domains To Consolidate pages.

Statistics on the graphs will be displayed if you mouse over the desired area. Clicking on any of the graphs will expand it.

The Monthly Revenue Summary displays the revenue generated by the domain for the past 12 months. The current month is shown in red as it has not been finalized.

Domain Performance

Total Revenues - Lifetime Revenues made from Parking Revenues + Maximizer Revenues + Domain Sales

Last 12 Mths Revenues - Parking Revenues + Maximizer Revenues for the last 12 months

Last 12 Months Traffic - Total Traffic for the last 12 months. This value excludes the the last 5 days as these stats are not yet finalized.

EPC - The average earning per click gathered from Monetization stats

RPM - Average revenue per thousand unique visitors gathered from Monetization stats

nRPM - A normalized RPM (revenue per thousand unique visitors) value gathered from Monetization stats. Only valid if the domain is using the Above.com DNS

ROI - Return on Investment. This is calculated using the following formula. Rev [+] value - Cost

IRR - Internal Rate of Return. The value is calculated using the formula:
All time Revenues - (Paid + (Cost * (Age - 1)))

Above Optimizer - Clicking on the Daily Results link will display a report showing which parking services the Auto Optimizer has directed traffic to. The default period is the last 30 days.

Visitor Analytics - The Analytics link can be used to find stats on Referrers, Search Terms, Requested Pages, Demographics and Traffic Sources.

Domain Overview

TLD - The TLD or ccTLD extension the domain uses.

Age - The number of years between the WHOIS registration date and today's date.

Chars - The number of characters in the domain name excluding the extension.

Acquired Date - The WHOIS registration date or the acquired date set by you or added automatically when the domain is in the Above.com Registrar.

Paid - The amount you paid for the domain. This will be auto filled when the domain is purchased through the Domain Marketplace or can be set manually.

Folder - The name of the folder in which the domain resides.

Category - The Category you have set for the domain.

Keyword - Keyword(s) you have set.

Google Blacklisted - Displays if the domain is blacklisted by Google or not.

Google Safe - Shows if the domain has been flagged by Google as unsafe due to having Malware or Phishing content.

Domain Registration Details

Registrar - The Registrar the domain was with when WHOIS was run.

Renewal Cost - The domain renewal cost you have set or set by the system if the domain is at Above.com.

Created Date - The registration date of the domain when WHOIS was run.

Expiry - The expiration date as shown in WHOIS.

DNS - The first and second domain name server as displayed in a WHOIS look up.

Whois Extract - Click the + icon to view the most recent WHOIS details stored.

Recheck Whois - Clicking the link will queue a WHOIS lookup for the domain.

Marketplace Settings

For Sale - Displays if the domain is currently set For Sale or not.
Clicking the link will allow you to change the setting 1.

Show Traffic Stats - Shows if the Traffic Stats are displayed in the Marketplace.
Clicking the link will allow you to change the setting.

Show Revenue Stats - Shows if the Revenue Stats are displayed in the Marketplace.
Clicking the link will allow you to change the setting.

Min Offer - The minimum value that must be met to make an offer on the domain.

Reserve - The value the domain auction must reach before the domain will be sold.

BIN - The Buy It Now value to purchase the domain without going to auction.
The BIN price will automatically be set to hidden if the domain is being Brokered.

Hide BIN / Show BIN - Displays if the BIN price set is visible in the Marketplace or hidden.

Adult - If the domain has been flagged as Adult or not.
If you believe the domain has been falsely flagged as Adult, you can change it to N and it will be reviewed.

Current Offers - View the number of current open offers on the domain.

Offers History - View the number of previous offers on the domain.
Clicking the number will display a list of offers with the date, amount and status of the offer.

Broker Service - Displays if Brokerage is enabled for this domain.
Clicking the link will allow you to enable/disable Brokerage.