Portfolio Manager

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My Account Manual


To easily view if you have any domains in conflict, a number will display in the Portfolio Manager menu beside the Conflicts link. If the menu is not expanded, the total number of notifications will also display beside the Portfolio Manager title.

Conficts Notification

Clicking Conflicts in the menu will take you to the Conflicts page.

By default the New Conflicts view option will be displayed showing you domains in your account that have previously been added by another Above.com user and have not already been claimed by you.

To view more information on what the columns mean, please view the Column Descriptions manual page.

Claim Domains

To claim domains that you own, please:

  1. Check the checkboxes next to the domains that belong to you.
  2. Click on the Claim button above the Claim Added/Updated column.

Delete Domains

If you have added domains mistakenly that do not own, please:

  1. Check the checkboxes next to the domains that do NOT belong to you.
  2. Click on the Delete button.

Claimed Conflicts

Claimed domains can be viewed by clicking on the Claimed Conflicts view option. This option also shows the dates when the domain was claimed. You can also delete a domain from this page using the same method listed above.

Claimed domains can be sorted by the domain or the added/updated date for ease of viewing.

Domains in conflict will also be shown when you add or move domains to a folder.

Custom DNS

If you are using privacy on your domains or the EU General Data Protection Regulation applies to you, we highly recommend that you have Above.com create a custom DNS for you and apply it to your domains. This will ensure that any domain conflicts generated will automatically be resolved within six hours.

Please view the Add Domains page for information on creating a Custom DNS