When you log in using the default option or to Monetization, you are taken to the Monetization Dashboard page.
Welcome Links
The links displayed in this area allow for the quick navigation to common tools such as Add Domains in Monetization and Portfolio Manager, Register and Transfer domains in the Registrar, Search domains and view My Offers in the Marketplace and Verify Account in the My Account details area.

Overall Summaries
Summaries displayed here:
- Total Earnings = Lifetime Revenues made from Parking Revenues + Maximizer Revenues + Domain Sales.
- Daily average = The Average of Parking Revnenues + Maximizer Revenues over the last 30 days excluding the last 3 incomplete days of stats.
- Last month = Parking Revenues + Maximizer Revenues made in the prior month. (eg. If we are in July, the number would be from June).
- Year to date = Parking Revenues + Maximizer Revenues made to date this year from 1 Jan - 31 Dec.
- Last year = Parking Revenues + Maximizer Revenues made in the last year from 1 Jan - 31 Dec.
- Maximizer Revenue = Lifetime Revenues made from Maximizer.
- Last 30 days = Revenues made from Maximizer over the last 30 days excluding the last 3 incomplete days of stats.
- Maximizer ON = Domains that have Maximizer On.
- Maximizer OFF = Domains that have Maximizer Off.
- DNS not pointed = Domain names in your Portfolio that are not using Above.com DNS and need to be updated for Monetization and Maximizer.
- Domain Sales = Lifetime Revenues made from Domain Sales.
- Last month = Revenues made from Domain Sales last month.
- Open offers = Number of Pending Offers that require your action.
- Domains not listed = Number of domain names Flagged as Not For Sale.
- Domains need pricing = Number of domain names that are not priced with a Reserve or BIN value.
- Domains in Portfolio = Number of Domain names added to Above Portfolio Manager and have domain ownership set to your account.
- Expiring soon = Number of domain names that Expire within the next 30 days.
- Registered at Above = Number of domains registered at Above.com Registrar.
- Registered elsewhere = Number of domains not registered at Above.com Registrar.
- Consolidate = Number of domains that can be Transferred to Above.com Registrar.

Portfolio Monetization Earnings Summary
Above the Earnings Summary, the Performance Summary is shown. Clicking on the More... link near the top right, will show the graphs below.
Statistics on the graphs will be displayed if you mouse over the desired area. Clicking on any of the graphs will expand it.

The Earnings Summary displays the revenue generated for the past 12 months. The current month is shown in green as it has not been finalized.

Beneath the Earnings Summary, the Daily Summary is displayed.
Note: Incomplete days and days with estimated values are in green and will update when final results are available.

Tip: To view the daily breakdown of revenue per parking service or to re-import daily stats from a parking service, you can click on the amount in the Revenue column.
Below the 10 Days Revenue Report, a domain report is shown. By default, this is shown in order of revenue (highest at the top).

Note: You can click a domain for a detailed report or the icon to show more.
What do the columns mean?
DayThis table shows a daily summary. Click a date in this column for a detailed breakdown of that day.
HitsTotal hits (page impressions) for all domains for this day. This figure includes ALL hits received by the domain including images, crawlers, bots, etc.
UniquesTotal unique hits for all domains for this day. This value is only available when domains are using the Above.com DNS.
ReportedTotal unique hits for all domains for this day, reported by parking companies.
ClicksThe total number of clicks reported for this day.
CTRThe average click through ratio, calculated from reported uniques.
nCTRThe normalized average click through ratio. This value is calculated from internal statistics and is only valid if ALL domains in the account are using the Above.com DNS.
EPCThe average earning per click.
RPMAverage revenue per thousand unique visitors.
nRPMA normalized RPM (revenue per thousand unique visitors) value. This value is only valid if ALL domains in the account are using the Above.com DNS.
RevenueTotal parking revenues earned for this day.
MaxRevenueTotal Maximizer revenues earned for the selected period.
Note: Estimates are always reported in green and are updated when final results are available.